The Komit is a unique dynamic processor that combines a highly effective single-knob compressor with a funky sounding diode-bridge limiter. Unlike most compressors that require carefully balancing a series of knobs to get things to sound good, the Komit is a single dial device that is amazingly easy to use. All you do is set the input level using the +4/-10dB switch, set the reaction time for fast (percussion), medium (instruments), or slow (vocal), set the ratio for the amount of compression you want and then adjust the make-up gain as needed. Switching the 12 position limiter switch to ‘brick wall’ doubles the compression ratio to keep signals out of the red. Turning the limiter switch counterclockwise introduces an old school diode-bridge limiter that begins with subtle overdrive and ends with extreme distortion. The Komit’s compression algorithm automatically shifts from soft knee at lower compression ratios to hard knee when pushed hard.